
Absolutely brilliant IIM Interview Questions and Answers

IIM interview questions and answers

Indian Civil Services along with getting into IIM institutes are two most desired fields for students, while selection into Indian Civil Services provides the elite job, on the other hand getting into IIMs by cracking CAT/MAT & GD/PI provides the opportunity to management courses which also offers the high paying lucrative jobs after completion of 2 years of study. Candidates’ Brilliant, out-of-the-box Answers to tricky questions in IIM interview often paves the way towards getting admission into these prestigious institutes. (# IIM interview questions and answers).

IIM & other premier institutes MBA students are the backbone of the Indian corporate sector and major middle and senior management positions are occupied by them.

The actual content of the examination, the test is not very tough – it could well be solved by even a good Xth standard student. What really makes it tough is the speed, accuracy,

and fierce competition. So the real challenge is getting through IIMs by going through the entire process including CAT & GD/PI. To get through the initial test in order to get a call from top IIMs one should have 99.8+ percentile if you are a general category student.

We have compiled the Questions asked in IIM’s interview and their absolutely brilliant answers by successful candidates. This is truly a treat for students/people looking for such interesting information/write-up.

You may have a look at this video, which provides the transcript of those amazing interview instances:

Let’s start with some mind-boggling and tricky IIM Interview questions and answers one by one:

1. Making it Beer-ish Cool Mood:

The question was asked in IIM-A in the year 2005.


2. Obviously, Nobody is perfect, making it a point from nowhere!

Year-2015, IIM – Kolkata.


3. No mood to run with your sister – you’ve changed my mood, it’s a marathon:

IIM Kolkata – Interview Questions and Answers


4. This time don’t play with the question, answer this brainy question:

IIM Lucknow (Interview Questions and Answers)


5. Overcautiously cracked it!



6. Mathematical interpretation!


7. I am not in the fish market!



8. Youtube advertisement!



9. Amazing coincidence!

IIM Lucknow.


10. I like dowry!



Many people consider Indian Civil Services as the toughest examination in the world and obviously in India. Well, I am not sure about it.

The Civil Services Examination’s entire process takes a minimum of 21 months time to start preparing for the preliminary examination till the result declaration of the interview. Aspirants need to work hard to first complete the broad syllabus and study smartly. Practice plays a big role in success.

IIM interviews are entirely different from IAS/UPSC examination. IAS interview questions and answers are more descent in nature and candidates need to make it more formal but extremely effective during the interview.

Take a look at two transcripts of Indian Civil Services IAS examination interview questions and answers in these videos:

  • Brilliant answers by IAS Toppers 
  • IAS toppers brilliant interview answers – transcript of IAS toppers interview.
  • 10 Most Brilliant Answers to UPSC IAS Interview Questions (Compilation)

Toughest Examination of the World Debate

I consider IIT as one of the toughest examinations of the world/India as many questions seem to be very hard to be solved by even experts and the same questions are expected to be solved by young candidates in a time-bound manner. Though a large number of IITians crack the Civil Services & IIMs but is also true that there are many IITians who couldn’t make it to these two prestigious examinations.

Considering the fierce competition in both IIM & IAS/UPSC examinations surely these are among the most competitive and toughest examinations to clear it finally, but individual questions asked in initial examinations are not very tough and could be solved by a good high school/higher secondary student.

Interview in both of these examinations plays a critical role in selecting outstanding candidates and their response to asked interview questions is noteworthy for all aspirants.

I would consider these two examinations among the best leading competitive examinations in the world.

Note: Above mentioned Interview Questions and answers are part of a candidate-long interview. There is no specific pattern of awkward questions asked in interviews and such questions are very few in number but very decisive in terms of their impact on the entire interview & marks as such ‘out of the box’ or witty response helps the interviewer to understand the character of the candidate to handle the pressure or uneasy situation in an effective manner.

In my opinion, any examination is crackable with your will, desire, dedication, devotion right approach/strategy to any of the exams you want to clear.

We appreciate your comment/feedback on this article.

The names of the candidates are not shown here intentionally. Source of information: Quora.

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